Virtual styling
About — Mirror Image Consulting

Meet Our Specialists

Rana Saab

Image Consultant

Middle East Ambassador and liaison for the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), Rana Saab is Certified as an Image Consultant, Stylist and Trainer, specializing in individual and group image consultations and trainings.

Rana’s educational background is in Graphic Design and Business Marketing. where she holds a BA and AA from the Lebanese American University (LAU).

Her initial training in wardrobe and style analysis, the image builder’s program for professional consultants, was done at the Image resource center of New York, after which she gained her First Level Certification from AICI and completed her advanced train the trainer program with AWIS for Fashion styling, image, and color in Florida.

Founder of Mirror Image Consulting, Rana has started the first AICI accredited Image training in the Middle East and is establishing its first chapter in Dubai.

Her portfolio of clients includes corporate, individuals and celebrities such as Hollywood actress Eva Longoria, Lebanese pop star Ramy Ayache, International Diva Haifa Wehbe, Singer Shatha Hassoun, Hussein Al Jasmi, and more.

Amal Dimachki

Etiquette Consultant

Amal Dimachki is an International Protocol and Business Etiquette Consultant certified by The Protocol School of Washington.

She specializes in International Business Etiquette including Body Language, Verbal and non- Verbal Communication.

During her career in Public Relations and Business Relationship Management, Amal has observed how a lack of etiquette and interpersonal skills can impact negatively on important business relationships, especially when dealing with partners and customers from a different culture. She then decided to gain the proper training to enable her to empower men and women who work in the corporate sector with the knowledge required to dress, speak, and carry themselves according to universally accepted standards of behaviors.

She has undertaken continuing training with AWIS Beauty, which is accredited by the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI).

A graduate of the LAU, Beirut, Lebanon, Amal is located in Dubai, UAE and travels extensively throughout the Middle East for workshops and trainings.


Interested in a consultation? Get in touch.

Founded by AICI accredited Image Consultant & Celebrity Stylist Rana Saab